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Fancy a holiday?

Archehof Kniegut!

Variety counts! - Colorful and tried and tested!

Our children's farm Kniegut in Mühlbach am Hochkönig in Salzburg province is a certified Archehof since February 2019. What is an Archehof? An Archehof advocates for the preservation of rare and endangered breeds of farm animals, breeds them and thus ensures the preservation of genetic diversity. Not only wild animals, but also many farm animals are threatened with extinction. We currently breed Huzulen horses, Sulmtaler chickens and alpine stone sheep at the organic farm Kniegut. Why are old animal breeds so interesting? Being successful means more than just producing enough output. Old livestock breeds have very special advantages and characteristics:

  • They are fertile, have good maternal instincts - that is, "born" mothers
  • Adapt to any terrain
  • Are robust, hardy, long-lived and frugal
  • Suffer less often from diseases
  • And since they show a much slower growth, they deliver products with high quality

Therefore, it is a great concern for us at Kniegut to preserve these breeds and we are proud that some of these animals can be found on our farm again. We are happy to provide more information to those interested.

Current weather in Mühlbach
Farm holiday in the Hochkönig region
Non-binding request
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